114 Best Happy Birthday Funny Quotes, Messages & Greetings in 2022

Categorized as Funny, Birthday

Happy Birthday Funny – I believe sincere people around you can make you a better person or can polish your personality.
We can judge ourselves on our birthdays that what we have gained in the last year, from which point we started walking and have come to which position.

In the end, I would suggest grabbing the rope of God so that we can grow our personality and relation with God faster before our life comes to an end.

Best Happy Birthday Memes – Share with people around you

Funny Birthday Wishes For Girlfriend

happy birthday funnyno amount of words can ever be enough to express my feelings for you. happy birthday to the love of my life. wish you all the happiness in this world.

your smile can outshine a thousand candles. your touch can melt even the coldest heart. i love you today & every day.

your smile is sweeter than the sweetest cake in the world. thanks for being into my life. happy birthday to my sweet girlfriend.

i don’t believe in birthdays because i know you came straight from heaven to make my life happier & beautiful. all the good wishes for my angel.

i can’t wait to hold you in my arms & tell you how much this special day of yours means to me. happy birthday, dear.

you can make as many wishes as you want today. i promise you, i’ll make all your wishes come true one by one.

you are the perfect creation of god & the best gift any man has received in life. today is your birthday & i want to make sure it’s a special one.

you were born sweet & born for me to make my life a piece of heaven. i love you for everything you are. happy birthday.

i don’t know what good i did to deserve you but i do know that you deserve all the happiness in this world. happy birthday to my sweetheart.

i could buy you a thousand flowers but they would still be too petty to express what i feel for you.

i will always be there by your side loving you unconditionally and protecting you fiercely.

just as you blow the candles on your birthday cake, remember that there’s one flame endlessly burning in my heart, for you.

you have so many people wishing you on your birthday, but none of them holds the crazy-love for you that i have. love you to the moon and back.

your love is the spark of my life, the thrill of my fantasy; your touch starts the fire in me. be mine forever.

what do you get when you mix hotness and beauty and combine them both with a sexy personality.

i searched online and went to all the shops, old and new. but i could not find anything that was as pretty as you.

happy birthday to my love, my best friend, my agony aunt, my complaint hotline, my emergency contact, and my soul mate.

i am in fear because it’s your birthday! is it mandatory to bring a birthday gift for you? lol! i am just joking, happy birthday to you dear! i wish it will be your coolest birthday.

hey birthday girl, it’s your birthday! so, it’s your duty to make a treat for me, as i am wishing all the best things for you. let’s hurry for the treat.

you know how much i worried about your birthday cake! the chocolate cake is huge in size and it can make you fattier.

it’s your birthday! so, make sure you are going to properly utilize the day with a lot of monkey business! let’s have a crazy party.

your birthday is making you sexier with every passing year.

have i told you that you become more kissable on certain days of the year? today is one of them.

i don’t want anything from you, except for you to want me.

Happy Birthday Funny Quotes

Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that people who have the most live the longest! (But it has also been scientifically proven that too many will kill you.)

Don’t let ageing get you down… it’s too hard to get back up again!

Middle age… when “happy hour” is a nap!

If gray hair is a sign of wisdom, then you’re a genius!

Best Happy Birthday Quotes – For Everyone

What goes up but never comes down? Your age.

The tragedy of getting old: So many candles… so little cake

Technically you’re not 50. You’re only $49.95, plus tax!

They say you lose your mind as you grow older… what they don’t tell you is that you won’t miss it much!

Age doesn’t make you forgetful: having too many stupid things to remember makes you forgetful!

Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional. ~ Chili Davis

Age is strictly a case of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter. ~ Jack Benny

Youth is a gift of nature but age is a work of art. ~ Stanislaw Lec

Age is not important unless you’re a cheese. ~ Helen Hayes

I’ve reached an age where my train of thought often leaves the station without me.

Careful not to blow off that birthday candle too hard or your wig might come along with it too. Happy birthday! Stay Awesome!

A year closer to that hard earned pension. Congratulations! Wonderful Bday!

May you be as rich as Tony Stark, as handsome as Steve Rogers, as sexy as Thor, as sharp as Clint Barton and as green as the Hulk! Best Bday Superhero! Hope I won’t have to compare you to Nick Fury soon!

30 candles won’t fit the cake I bought for you. So I just got you 2. Happy 2nd birthday!

Growing up is a trap! Stay Play Station loving. Don’t stop building that Lego castle. But don’t forget to go to the office, buy groceries, pick your kids up after school and be home by dinner, Okay? Reality check. Welcome to the grown up life. Best bday!

I hope you do 100 other rotations around the Sun!

Being related to me is really the only gift you need. Just saying”

Forecast for your birthday: Alcohol, low standards, and poor decisions”

Happy Birthday Funny Wishes

Happy 29th birthday from your 110 lb. Friend.

Cheers to a hppy birthday

Happy baaaaaaa……Thday!

This card is late because… I forgot I’m very lazy I was helping batman fight crime

Let us never know what old age is. Let us know the happiness time brings, not count the years. – Ausonius

Total babe happy birthday

Party on wayne party on darth

I know you had lots of birthday wishes yesterday, but who is thinking of you today? Me, that’s who happy belated birthday

There were a lot of famous people born on your birthday. Too bad you aren’t one. May you grow wiser this year happy birthday!!!

Happy birthday to my favorite brother…Okay, so you’re my only brother, but if I had others you’d still be my favorite.

I bought you an awesome bottle of wine for your birthday! It tasted wonderful. I thought about you the entire time, though.

Every day you sparkle but today you rule! Happy birthday

Yay! Birthday time

Happy Birthday Messages – Simple and Unique [For Everyone]

I love you like I love cake at a birthday party. Don’t forget to invite me. Happy birthday.

Happy birthday. As you grow up, make sure you have more dreams than memories, more opportunities than chances, and more friends than acquaintances.

Happy birthday! A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are – even if you are getting older. Thank you for being that friend, and happy birthday.

Happy birthday to a very special cougar.

But, I wanted a mouse.

Happy birthday… You little spoonful of sugar

Heres your fucking cake you little shit

Friends come and friends go, but sisters never seem to leave. This was supposed to come out sounding nice. Happy birthday

Happy birthday to an old friend I’ve had since we were both young and stupid.

Happy birthday I hope that you have the greatest birthday ever from the moment you open your eyes in the morning until they close late at night.

One birthday will not make you old. Even a dozen will not make you old. Maybe you should have stopped counting there though. Happy birthday, again.

Happy Birthday Wife Funny

You are the nutella to my toast and the ice cream to my apple pie. Happy Birthday to my beautiful wife.

Happy Birthday. I love you more than I love bacon… and that’s a heck of a lot.

Happy Birthday to the only woman I would ever want as my co-pilot

A wrinkled old hag you are not. Hair growing from your nostrils and ears you have not. Smelling of mothballs and musk you do not. Growing old is most becoming to you, my dear. May you have a birthday full of merriment & good cheer surrounded by your family and friends. Happy Birthday, my incredible wife.

Happy 5th Anniversary of your 29th Birthday, Sweetheart!

Happy Birthday, my lovely wife! Today is the one day out of the year where I thank God for my mother-in-law.

Happy Birthday to my household CEO. You are one-in-a-million and I am so thankful you are my wife.

Congratulations, my darling wife. You are now considered a classic!

Sweetheart, according to the credit card statements you really love that trendy vintage clothing store downtown. I thought I could save money by finding you something vintage from another place you frequent often. After I dusted off some cobwebs and washed it a couple times to get the smell of mothballs off–I think this sweater from the back of your closet looks pretty good! Happy Birthday, my beautiful trendsetting wife!

Happy Birthday, my beautiful wife. If we had been on the Titanic and only had 1 door between us, I would have made room for you and never let you go.

Happy Birthday, my wife! Today we celebrate and you are not allowed to lift a finger. Dinner, laundry and cleaning will be taken care of… put your feet up and enjoy your day!

Happy Birthday to the one that still makes my heart skip a beat and my stomach do somersaults when she enters a room. I am so proud and blessed to be able to call you my wife!

“What’s in a name? That which we call a wife by any other name would smell like bundt cake.” I may not be Shakespeare and I might not look like Magic Mike but I am your husband and that suits me just right. I love you! Happy Birthday, my sweet!

You are so lucky to have me as your husband…but not as lucky as I am to have you as my beautiful, thoughtful, intelligent wife! Happy Birthday, my love!

Happy Birthday Wishes – Simple and Unique [For Everyone]

Happy Birthday Wife Funny Quotes

You are the best boss a husband could ever want! Happy Birthday, Sweetheart! Do I have any vacation or sick days left? I love you!

Happy Birthday to you! You don’t look a day over…26…22..er…19..?? I love you and your eternal youth! You grow more beautiful with each passing year.

Happy Birthday to my hot & sexy wife!!! Love, Your very own Mr. Grey

I would volunteer as Tribute for you, my darling. May the odds forever be in your favor.

I wake up every morning and thank the good Lord for Him bringing you into my life. Jerry Maguire said it best ‘you complete me’. Happy Birthday, my beautiful wife. I love you always and forever.

Beautiful wife, you are. Happy Birthday, it is. This light sabre, I gift you. Love, Your Jedi.

Roses are red. Violets are blue. I think my wife is awesome and pretty great in bed too! Happy Birthday, beautiful!

Wife, for your birthday I have decided to give you something you have been wanting and pleading for years for. I hereby swear to no longer take my iPhone into the bathroom. See, my love for you knows no bounds!

Happy Birthday, my beautiful wife! How about tonight we go eat at that Chinese vegan restaurant you love, have a Downton Abbey marathon and then after that stroll down to that little coffee shop for the poetry reading—-said no man EVER!!

There are only 2 absolutes in this world: Chuck Norris is the biggest badass in Hollywood and my love for you is infinite.

I felt like I opened a Wonka bar and found my golden ticket when I met you. Happy Birthday to my beautiful wife. I look forward to the many wonderful, scrumdiddlyumptious years ahead.

If Doc Brown pulled up alongside me in his time machine and asked where & when I wanted to go… the day we 1st met so I could fall in love with you all over again (& then I’d probably ask to go back to the Wild West—who wouldn’t want to rob a bank with Wild Bill Hickok?!). Happy Birthday, wife.

Happy Birthday, my love! …and just so you know, I knew it was your birthday even before I saw it on Facebook.

I wrote on your Facebook wall to make it official. Happy Birthday, my beautiful wife.

You are another year older, wiser, and even more beautiful… I love everything about you and hope you have the best year yet. I love being able to call you my wife!!

Happy Birthday to the wife who has the best husband in the world! You are one marvelous woman!!

Happy birthday, dear wife! Will you have the goodness to take it easy on aging?

I’ve been around for a while to know that the more birthdays you celebrate, the more wrinkles God blesses you with. Happy birthday, honey!

Honey, as I pay my last respect to your youth, I have just realized that preventing you from aging will be a tough nut to crack! Happy birthday, though.

Happy birthday, my darling wife. Today is a testament that you are an expert at aging.

My dear, you keep piling up them years and you’ll soon start giving folks like Keith Richards and Methuselah a run for their money.

Happy birthday to my wrinkled yet gorgeously beautiful wife! Too many birthdays may have murdered your youth and wrinkled your skin, but I love you even more.

Honey, now you are really as old as your ancestors! More power to you!

Dear wife, you are more precious to me than all the gold reserves piled up in the United States Bullion Depository.

Happy Birthday to the one that still makes my heart skip a beat and my stomach do somersaults when she enters a room. I am so proud and blessed to be able to call you my wife!

Happy Birthday, my beautiful wife. If we had been on the Titanic and only had 1 door between us, I would have made room for you and never let you go.

Happy Birthday, my wife! Today we celebrate and you are not allowed to lift a finger. Dinner, laundry and cleaning will be taken care of…put your feet up and enjoy your day!

“What’s in a name? That which we call a wife by any other name would smell like bundt cake.” I may not be Shakespeare and I might not look like Magic Mike but I am your husband and that suits me just right. I love you! Happy Birthday, my sweet!

You are so lucky to have me as your husband…but not as lucky as I am to have you as my beautiful, thoughtful, intelligent wife! Happy Birthday, my love!

You are the best boss a husband could ever want! Happy Birthday, Sweetheart! Do I have any vacation or sick days left? I love you!

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